Be Holistic: Natural Medicine & Self-Sustainability During a Global Crisis

Guest series by Steph Mullis of Holistic Medicinals Our collective and individual life experiences have all drastically changed in the past few weeks. Many of us are now isolated at home in our own individual groups and families facing evolving relationship dynamics, global heaviness and shifting work patterns (or even unemployment) all on our own….

Be Holistic: Herbs for Women’s Health

Guest series by Steph Mullis of Holistic Medicinals Women’s health is a subject that I hold very close to my heart. Starting birth control at sixteen, I experienced side effects of decreased sex drive, random bouts of anger, sadness, and irrationality for years. Looking back, I am saddened by the lack of information given to…

Be Holistic: Spring Tonics

Guest series by Steph Mullis of Holistic Medicinals Spring has arrived, the soil is warming back up resulting in all forms of life to be active once again. Like the rest of nature, we are ready for growth, healing, and expansion. We have physically and mentally been in our own versions of hibernation and it…

Be Holistic: A Wellness Series with Steph Mullis

Hello dear ones and happy spring! Today I am absolutely thrilled to introduce you to my dear friend Stephanie Mullis of Holistic Harvest and Holistic Medicinals. Steph is an incredible beginning farmer and herbalist-in-training in Sharon, Wisconsin. She also happens to be one half of the couple who joined us on our trip to Hawaii…

Retreating to the Northwoods + RECIPE: Cabbage, Leek & Pepper Runza

After seven nights away and a full two weeks off of work, I can say with absolute certainty that everyone everywhere deserves a retreat from their daily lives every once in a while. Not just a vacation or an adventure, but a real retreat that encourages quiet and calm and reflection and possibly even productivity….

Reflections on a Crazy Year

I’ve been wanting to deeply reflect on this past year and this past season for a while now. Since the farming season ended, I’ve been journaling most mornings, but internally knowing that I needed to take a lot more dedicated time to unpack this totally crazy year. So here we go. Grab a cup of…

Guest Post: Flowers as Self-Care and Nourishment

This year begins my deep and thoughtful journey into both flowers and self care. If you’ve been reading my blog or following along with my story on Instagram for any amount of time, you know self care is something I fight to fit in on a daily or weekly basis. It’s not always easy, and…